Telephoning or video calls
Almost all Internet users (98.7%) from Albania are telephoning or making video calls as a percentage of individuals who used the Internet in the last 3 months. The least internet use for this activity is in North Macedonia at 89.2%.
Participation in social networks
Also, a high percentage of CEFTA Internet users are participating in social networks (creating a user profile, posting messages or other contributions to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) with Montenegro the most (87.76%) and Bosnia and Herzegovina the least (69.25).
Finding information about goods and services
A high percentage of CEFTA Internet users are engaged in finding information about goods and services with the highest at 76.3% in Serbia and the lowest at 54.2% in North Macedonia.
Reading online news sites/newspapers/news magazines
CEFTA internet users are reading online news sites/newspapers/news magazines. 86.41% of Serbian internet users and only 48.2% of Macedonians are reading online news and magazines.
Sending/receiving e-mails
69.11% of Internet users in Serbia were sending/receiving e-mails and only 29.93% in Kosovo.
Selling goods and services
A small percentage of CEFTA internet users engage online in selling goods and services. The highest percentage of Internet users are in Bosnia and Herzegovina at 15.46% who are engaged in selling goods and services online and the lowest percentage of Internet users in Montenegro at 6.11%.
Internet banking
Internet banking remains under-utilized in the CEFTA compared to the EU (27). On average, around 70% of EU (27) Internet users use the Internet to engage in e-banking.